<me_status_set> : Set Status In Status Window

This command adds or modifies row in the status window (<me_status_window>).  Each row is identified using numeric ID.  If there is not a row with the given ID in the window yet, then new row is added.  If a row with the given ID exists, then it is updated using parameters passed (status and text - if the text is not supplied then old text remains displayed).  Each row consists of status icon (none, "in progress", "OK", "Failed") and text.


<me_status_set>(ID, "Text", Status)

Unique numeric identifier of the row in the status window.

Text showing on the row.

0 - none icon
1 - "in progress" icon
2 - "OK" icon
3 - "Failed" icon
4 - "Info" icon


<#> This sample shows how to us the status window

<me_status_window>("Macro in progres",0,1,100,100,350,150)
<me_status_set>(0,"Three steps needs to be done, please wait:",0)

<me_status_set>(1,"Step 1",1)
<me_status_set>(1,"Step 1: OK",2)

<me_status_set>(2,"Step 2",1)
<me_status_set>(2,"Step 2: Failed",3)

<me_status_set>(3,"Step 3",1)
<me_status_set>(3,"Step 3: OK",2)
