<me_status_set> : Set Status In Status
This command adds or modifies row in the status window (<me_status_window>).
Each row is identified using numeric ID. If there is not a row with the
given ID in the window yet, then new row is added. If a row with the given
ID exists, then it is updated using parameters passed (status and text - if the
text is not supplied then old text remains displayed).
Each row consists of status icon (none, "in progress", "OK", "Failed") and text.
"Text", Status)
Unique numeric identifier of the row in the status window.
Text showing on the row.
0 - none icon
1 - "in progress" icon
2 - "OK" icon
3 - "Failed" icon
4 - "Info" icon
<#> This sample shows how to us the status window
<me_status_window>("Macro in progres",0,1,100,100,350,150)
<me_status_set>(0,"Three steps needs to be done, please wait:",0)
<me_status_set>(1,"Step 1",1)
<me_status_set>(1,"Step 1: OK",2)
<me_status_set>(2,"Step 2",1)
<me_status_set>(2,"Step 2: Failed",3)
<me_status_set>(3,"Step 3",1)
<me_status_set>(3,"Step 3: OK",2)